Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dare to compare?


This entry was originally slated to follow up this epic one I've been working on, but as you can see its been taking a while to output it, so here we are. Mainly, I didn't want y'all to think I've forgotten about this little project. For said epic entry, compiling the research has been quite a tall task - one idea leads to another - which in turn requires more research, and I've been conscious of its organization not to lead to far astray. And most importantly, I want to capture the essence of it all. What is this big thesis about you're wondering...well it has to do with the opposing forces that are ever present in our universe - what the Chinese call the "Yin and the Yang." So that's up next.

Now, some of you may recall, I celebrated a birthday not too long ago, a mini milestone, the dreaded 27th birthday. Why so grim? Well, my days as a mere 'twenty-something' are nearing end as I approach what many experience as the "Quarter-life crisis." Not only does this mark the transition from mid 20's to the late 20's, but if you recall, many notable celebrities died prematurely at the age of 27: Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jean-Michel Basquiat, the list goes on. Its known as the "27 Club" or "Forever 27, " which mainly caters to the musicians.
Also there's a list of actors: James Dean at 24, River Phoenix at 23, and so forth. And not to leave out athletes: Steve Prefontaine at 24.
Viewing the material of one's idols can be quite overwhelming. I'd read "This Side of Paradise" and on one hand be blown away by F. Scott Fitzgerald's use of colorful language and touching moments, and on the other my stomach would ache knowing he wrote this at the ripe age of 23. I don't even want to think of any more examples. (see Richard Kelly, Salvador Dali, David Gordon Green, Wes Anderson, Seth Rogen, Kevin Smith, etc.)
And here I sit, with barely more than a few graduate thesis films to my credit on IMDB (check it).

This sort of thing used to keep me awake at night, but alas, I sleep a little more soundly now (with the help of some proper guidance). What I realized is if all you want to do is compare yourselves to others, you'll make yourself sick - literally from the stress - its a vicious cycle that grounds any progress. Besides, not every person whose "made it" was hailed a genius by the age of 19. If you try to repeat what those guys did you won't go too far anyway. They made a name for themselves because they broke out from the crowd and did their own thing - a unique voice that allowed audiences to see life through their eyes. So pave your own way, I say.

Another reason why its futile to compare yourself to what others did - prior to the 21st century is simply - the times are different now. Folks mature at a later age. You know the saying - your 40's is like the old 30's. I believe it. And if you're wondering if this is another 'Blame the media' stance, then you're right. We're bombarded with hundreds (if not thousands) of messages and advertisements a day - pulling us in all different directions. More guys and girls live with their parents well into their late 20's than ever before (thank God I can say I don't). More people go to college and then onto graduate school in this generation than any before it - which as you know delays the whole maturity process. Responsibility seemed so cool when we're 15, but now we know, it sucks.
Stay tuned.

Further reading: (Quarter-life crisis explained)

(27 Club explained)

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